
My name is Yang Yang (杨阳). I am currently a post-doctoral researcher in astrophysics at the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), Chinese Academy of Sciences. I completed my Ph.D. in Astrophysics at Nanjing University in China. Prior to moving to PMO, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory.
My research primarily focuses on studying the feedback mechanisms of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in nearby galaxies. As a member of the Continuum Halos of Nearly Galaxies – an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES) , I have extensively analyzed deep VLA radio data to understand AGN feedback activity at various scales. This involves investigating how AGNs impact their surrounding environment and the role they play in galaxy evolution. I am familiar with both the observation and data reduction processes involved in utilizing the VLA. By employing multi-band observational results, I have explored the influence of nuclear activity on the surrounding medium, allowing for the clearest observable evidence in unraveling the complexities of AGN feedback.
More recently, I have broadened my research interests to include the study of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and intergalactic medium (IGM) within galaxies and galaxy clusters. In collaboration with colleagues, I primarily contribute to this topic mainly by studying the low surface density HI gas in CGM/IGM with FAST observations. I am also leading a new observational research project HIMALAYA, on the extended HI gas disk of massive galaxies. Even more, I will expand my research into high-redshift galaxies with our new CO observations.


08.02-07.2024: Yang Yang gave a talk “VLA observations of Magnetic Field in Nearby Edge-on Galaxies” at the cosmic magnetic field seminar at Kashgar, Xinjiang
07.01-03.2024: Yang Yang gave a talk “Preliminary results from HIMALAYA: deep HI observations of MAssive gaLAxies to studY cold gAs” at the Galactic cosmology seminar at Changzhou.
05.10-15.2024: Yang Yang participated in the ACARMA 10 meeting at Guangzhou.
04.25.2024: Yang Yang has submitted an ALMA proposal in Cycle 11 about a high-redshift target.
04.08.2024: Yang Yang has submitted a "江苏省面上" proposal about HI gas disck in massive galaxies.
04.08.2024: Jiang-Tao Li's paper "eDIG-CHANGES II: Project Design and Initial Results on NGC 3556" (Yang Yang is a co-author) has been accepted for publication by ApJ, arXiv:2404.05628.
04.04.2024: Jiang-Tao Li's paper "Pressure Balance and Energy Budget of the Nuclear Superbubble of NGC 3079" (Yang Yang is a co-author) has been accepted for publication by ApJ, arXiv:2404.03879.
03.25.2024: Yang Yang's paper "CHANG-ES. XXX. 10 kpc Radio Lobes in The Sombrero Galaxy" has been accepted for publication by ApJ, arXiv:2403.16682.
03.15.2024: Yang Yang, as a volunteer for the 2024 SKAO Council Meeting in Nanjing, met Dr. Catherine Cesarsky and picked her up at the Nanjing airport to attend the meeting.
03.12.2024: Yang Yang wrote a NOEMA proposal about a high-z quasar, but we will submit it in the next NOEMA semester for better resolution.
03.08.2024: Yang Yang has submitted the manuscript of "CHNAG-ES XXX." about the radio jet in Sombrero to ApJ.
02.26.2024: Yang Yang participated in “高能时域天文创新群体启动会" seminar at Nanjing.
12.01.2023: Yang Yang gave a talk at the “Detecting Missing Baryons in the Universe" seminar at Haikou.
11.13.2023: Yang Yang gave a talk at the South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, Yunnan University.
11.07.2023: Yang Yang's three 2024A VLA proposals have been approved at priority two B (36.5 hours) and one C (6 hours).
11.07.2023: Yang Yang gave a talk at the "Galactic Cosmology and Astronomical Technological Methods" Seminar at Baohua.
09.14-28.2023: Yang Yang visited Prof. Jing Wang at Peking University.
09.01.2023: Yang Yang participated in the "AGN feedback" workshop at Wuhu, Anhui.
08.21.2023: Yang Yang participated in the "2023 AI technology in astronomy" workshop at Xuyi, Jiangsu.
08.17.2023: Yang Yang gave a talk at Xinjiang Observatory in Urumchi.
08.11.2023: Yang Yang visited Nanshan station of Xinjiang Observatory and gave a talk in the “based on SKA pilot program cosmic magnetic field” workshop.
08.04.2023: Yan Jiang's paper "CO-CHANGES Paper I on IRAM 30m observations of NGC4594" (Yang Yang is a co-author) has been accepted for publication by MNRAS.
08.03.2023: Yang Yang has submitted three 2024A VLA proposals, The first is to detect superbubbles in an edge-on galaxy, the second is to search for CO gas in CGM/IGM of those high-redshift galaxies with CIV absorption, and the third is to identify a potential microquasar. Please give me time, please, please!
06.12.2023: Sijia Peng's paper on "Searching for Radio Outflows from M31* with VLBI Observations" (Yang Yang is a co-author) has been accepted for publication by ApJ.
05.19.2023: Yang Yang participated in 2023 Guoshoujing workshop at Huangshan, Anhui.
05.18.2023: Yang Yang's 2023B VLA proposal has been approved at priority C (112 hours of 14 objects filling the gaps).
01.01.2023: Yang Yang's jet feedback of the nearby edge-on disk galaxies program is funded by NSFC for three years with a grant of 300000 yuan.
02.25.2022: Yang Yang started to work at Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) as a post-doc astrophysics researcher.
01.11.2022: Yang Yang's paper on CHANG-ES VLA observations of NGC5792 has been accepted for publication by ApJ.
08.01.2021: Yang Yang's FAST program on HI observations of a nearby galaxy group has been allocated 30 hours B-rated time.


ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7254-219X

My Publications at ADS

My Publications at Google Scholar

  1. Li-Yuan. Lu, Jiang-Tao. Li, Carlos J. Vargas, et al., (Yang Yang is co-author), eDIG-CHANGES III: the lagging eDIG revealed by multi-slit spectroscopy of NGC 891. A&A accepted. 2024
  2. V. Heesen, T. Wiegert, J. Irwin, et al., (Yang Yang is co-author), CHANG-ES XXXIV: a 20 kpc radio bubble in the halo of the star-forming galaxy NGC 4217. A&A accepted. 2024
  3. Jiang-Tao Li, Li-Yuan Lu, Zhijie Qu, Robert A. Benjamin, Joel N. Bregman, Ralf-Jurgen Dettmar, Jayanne English, Taotao Fang, Judith A. Irwin, Yan Jiang, Hui Li, Guilin Liu, Paul Martini, Richard J. Rand, Yelena Stein, Andrew W. Strong, Carlos J. Vargas, Q. Daniel Wang, Jing Wang, Theresa Wiegert, Jianghui Xu, and Yang Yang, eDIG-CHANGES II: Project Design and Initial Results on NGC 3556. 2024, ApJ, 967 78L
  4. Irwin, Judith; Beck, Rainer; Cook, Tanden; Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen; English, Jayanne; Heesen, Volker; Henriksen, Richard; Jiang, Yan; Li, Jiang-Tao; Lu, Li-Yuan; Mele, Crystal; Müller, Ancla; Murphy, Eric; Porter, Troy; Rand, Richard; Skeggs, Nathan; Stein, Michael; Stein, Yelena; Stil, Jeroen; Strong, Andrew, and Yang Yang, eDIG-CHANGES II: Project Design and Initial Results on NGC 3556. 2024, Galaxies, 12 22l
  5. Jiang-Tao Li, Wei Sun, Li Ji, Yang Yang, Pressure Balance and Energy Budget of the Nuclear Superbubble of NGC 3079. 2024, ApJ, 966 239L
  6. Yang Yang, Jiang-tao Li, Theresa Wiegert, Zhiyuan Li, Fulai Guo, Judith Irwin, Q. Daniel Wang, Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Rainer Beck, Jayanne English, Li Ji, CHANG-ES. XXX. 10 kpc Radio Lobes in The Sombrero Galaxy. 2024, ApJ, 966 213Y
  7. Jiang, Yan; Li, Jiang-Tao; Gao, Yu ; Bregman, Joel N. ; Ji, Li ; Jiang, Xue-Jian; Tan, Qing-Hua; Wang, Jian-Fa; Wang, Q. Daniel; Yang Yang, CO-CHANGES - I. IRAM 30-m CO observations of molecular gas in the sombrero galaxy. 2024, MNRAS, 528, 4160J
  8. Peng, Sijia; Li, Zhiyuan; Sjouwerman, Lor ́ant O.;Yang Yang; Jiang, Wu; Shen, Zhi-Qiang, Searching for Radio Outflows from M31* with VLBI Observations. 2023, ApJ, 953, 12P
  9. Li, J.-T., Wang, Q. D., Wiegert, T., Bregman, Joel N., Beck, Rainer, Damas-Segovia, Ancor, Irwin, Judith A., Ji, Li, Stein, Yelena, Sun, Wei, Yang Yang, CHANG-ES XXIX: the sub-kpc nuclear bubble of NGC 4438. 2022, MNRAS, 515, 2483L
  10. Yang, Yang, Judith Irwin, Jiangtao Li, Theresa Wiegert, Q. Daniel Wang, Wei Sun, A. Damas- Segovia, Zhiyuan Li, Zhiqiang Shen, Rene. M. Walterbos, Carlos J. Vargas, CHANG-ES. XXIV. First Detection of A Radio Nuclear Ring and Potential LLAGN in NGC 5792. 2022, ApJ, 927, 11P
  11. Eric S. Perlman, Eileen T. Meyer, Q. Daniel Wang, Qiang Yuan, Richard Henriksen, Judith Irwin, Jiangtao Li, Theresa Wiegert, Haochuan Li, and Yang Yang, Lightcurve Evolution of the nearest Tidal Disruption Event: A late-time, radio-only flare . 2021, ApJ, 925, 143P
  12. Peng, Sijia; Li, Zhiyuan; Sjouwerman, Lorąnt O.; Yang, Yang; Xie, Fuguo; Yuan, Feng, Resolving the Nuclear Radio Emission from M32 with the Very Large Array. 2020, ApJ, 894, 61P
  13. Irwin, Judith A.; Henriksen, Richard N.; Weazgowiec, Marek; Damas-Segovia, Ancor; Wang, Q. Daniel; Krause, Marita; Heald, George; Dettmar, Ralf-Jaijrgen; Li, Jiang-Tao; Wiegert, Theresa; Stein, Yelena; Braun, Timothy T.; Im, Jisung; Schmidt, Philip; Macdonald, Scott; Miskolczi, Arpad; Merritt, Alison; Mora-Partiarroyo, S. C.; Saikia, D. J.; Sotomayor, Carlos; Yang, Yang, CHANG-ES - XI. Circular polarization in the cores of nearby galaxies. 2018, MNRAS, 474. 5057
  14. Yang, Yang; Li, Zhiyuan; Sjouwerman, Lorant O.; Feng Yuan, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Very Large Array Multiband Monitoring Observations of M31*. 2017, ApJ, 845, 140
  15. Yang, Yang; Li, Zhiyuan; Sjouwerman, Lorant O.; Wang, Q. Daniel; Gu, Qiusheng; Kraft, Ralph P.; Yuan, Feng, Detection of a Compact Nuclear Radio Source in the Local Group Elliptical Galaxy M32. 2015, ApJL, 807, L19

Research Projects

  • AGN Feedback in Nearby Galaxy: insights from radio observations

    In preparation.

  • Low surface density HI emission in CGM of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters

    In preparation...

  • Molecular gas of galaxies in He II reionization epoch

    In preparation...